HHA received funding through HUD’s Public Housing Capital Fund Education and Training Community Facilities (CFCF) program and was one of only ten housing authorities across the country selected for this funding. HHA partnered with a number of local agencies to leverage resources and work collaboratively to meet some of the greatest community needs in Montana’s capital city.
The building achieved the highest possible Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating (Platinum status) for new construction. Buildings attaining this level of efficiency are considered among the greenest in the world.

In the photo above, former HHA Executive Director Josh LaFromboise and Erik Amundson, HUD Helena Field Director, hold the scissors at the HLC’s ribbon cutting ceremony February 13, 2014.
The HLC (located at 940 N. Roberts St.) has two large classrooms that currently house Child’s Play Preschool (contact Darla Jackson (406) 439-6638) and Florence Crittenton’s Community Outreach Center. Along with these larger rooms are two offices occupied by Florence Crittenton and Career Training Institute.
During normal public health conditions, the HLC offers a community room that is available to interested parties for agency training space, group meetings, etc. The space is able to comfortably fit 15-20 individuals. However, during the current public health emergency, we are not offering this space for public use. Please check back for availability at a later date. In the future, if you would like to host a function in this state-of-the-art community space, please contact Justin Delli Bovi at (406) 442-7970 x112 or [email protected] with reservation requests.