Update as of 9/16/24

This question regards the "Commencement' section of the contract, which states: "Contractor shall commence Services on the first day a snowfall ceases registering one (1) inch or more after the Effective Date of this Agreement."

Contractor Question:  Could you please clarify if this means the work should begin after the snowfall has completely stopped? For example, if a storm accumulates one (1) inch by 2:00AM and an additional three (3) inches by 7:00AM, do we have until 7:00AM the following day to complete the work (when the snow has fully stopped)?  Or, do we need to finish by 2:00am when the snow reached one (1) inch?

HHA Response:  Removal of snow 24 hours after a snowfall has stopped is a city code requirement of the City of Helena.  All HHA sites will need to be cleared of snow no later than 24 hours after a snowfall has ceased to meet this standard.  HHA would expect vendors to clear snow as soon as possible after a snowfall ceases.  We would ask vendors to specify generally in their proposal what timeline they would be following in regards to their general snow removal workplan and practices.

HHA-FY25-RFP-002: Snow Removal Services

(Please click the link above to review the full RFP)

The following ad ran in the Helena Independent Record on the following dates: 8/31/24, 9/3/24, 9/5/24, 9/7/24, 9/10/24 & 9/12/24 

Notice is hereby given that Helena Housing Authority (HHA) is accepting responses to
HHA-FY25-RFP-002: Snow Removal Services, to provide such services for a selection of
its Public Housing and Tax Credit sites. The Scope of Work outlines services to be provided
according to the HHA Site Lists. The overall list of HHA sites has been broken into two (2) site
groupings, as we encourage potential respondents to propose services for one or both site
groupings. Duly qualified firms or individuals responding to this RFP must have a minimum of
five (5) years of experience providing Snow Removal Services.

Electronic responses to this RFP (preferred) must be submitted via email to moneil@hhamt.org
with the subject line “Response to HHA-FY25-RFP-002: Snow Removal Services. Paper
responses (to include one (1) original and two (2) copies) may be mailed or hand-delivered to
812 Abbey St., Helena, MT 59601. All responses must be received no later than 4:30 PM on
Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Complete RFP packets are available for download from the
‘Procurement & Contract Opportunities’ page of HHA’s website (hhamt.org/procurement-contract-

Questions regarding this solicitation must be received in writing via email by 5:00 PM on
Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Please email questions to Michael M. O’Neil, Executive
Director, HHA at moneil@hhamt.org, with the following subject line: “HHA Snow Removal
Services RFP Question”. Any responses to questions and/or clarifications will be added to the
‘Procurement & Contract Opportunities’ page of HHA’s website to ensure any updates or new
information is accessible to all potential respondents in advance of the submittal deadline.
Successful award of a one-year contract may include options for contract extensions up to a total
contract term of five (5) years.