Please click here if you would like to download the information below.
“Portability” is defined as the ability for a housing choice voucher holder to move from the jurisdiction of its current Housing Authority to the jurisdiction of another Housing Authority operating a Housing Choice Voucher program.
Housing Choice Voucher holders who desire to move under portability to Helena, Montana must contact their current housing authority and:
1) Inform your current housing authority of your interest in porting out to Helena Housing Authority (HHA) in Helena, Montana and
2) Inform your current housing authority that HHA will absorb your voucher.
Please ask HHA what the current payment standard is for your eligible bedroom size.
Once eligibility is determined, please then request that your current Housing Authority prepare your portability packet.
Portability packets may be forwarded by mail, email, or FAX to:
Helena Housing Authority
Attn: Felicia Shute
812 Abbey St
Helena, MT 59601
Email: [email protected]
FAX: 406-442-0574 (Attn: Felicia)
Please keep in contact with your current Housing Authority to verify the date your portability packet was forwarded to HHA. When you receive verification from your current Housing Authority, please then contact HHA to confirm that your packet has been received.